Our goal is to create a dynamic model that facilitates calculations for various scenarios at the initial stages of the project. Therefore, we make monthly forecasts on a separate tab, setting all indicators through formulas.
Determining the First MonthTo determine the month from which traffic appears in the model, we use the IF function.
If the date value for the column is greater than or equal to the launch date of the application or direct marketing campaigns, we begin calculating the indicator using the formula; otherwise, the cell value is “0”.
In a general sense, the formula in Excel or Google Sheets looks like this:
=IF(E2 (forecast month) >= Projections! $E$13 (start date in input data); formula; 0)
Calculating TrafficThe specific formula for calculating organic traffic would look like this:
=IF(E2 >= start date;
traffic in the first month * (1 + annual growth %) ^
(YEAR(D2) — YEAR(start date)) *
VLOOKUP(MONTH(E2); seasonality table range; 3)
; 0)
It may seem complicated, but breaking it down into parts makes it more understandable. To calculate traffic in a specific month of a particular year, take the traffic in the first month and consider annual growth and seasonality.
To calculate the growth percentage, determine how many years have passed since the launch of the online store. This figure will be the exponent to which we raise the average growth percentage per year.
To consider seasonality, multiply the resulting traffic by the coefficient we specified in the seasonality table for each month. Here, we use the VLOOKUP function to find the value for the corresponding month.
We use a similar formula to calculate the budget for direct advertising in the monthly forecast. After that, to calculate paid traffic, divide the budget for the current month by the CPC specified on the input data tab.
You can download a template of the financial model for an online store, where all the formulas are already outlined, via the provided